sábado, 24 de abril de 2010

UFO: The Conspiracy Theory

The Conspiracy Theory

By Ian Berrocal Azofeifa

Many people believe in UFO. It means Unidentified Flying Object according to wikipedia.com. For them, there are some other kind of lives in the universe and some of those species are visiting the earth for multiple purposes using their star ships. People who study the UFO phenomenom have even classified the star ships, so they distinguish between plates, cylinders, balloons, and triangles, depending of the form of it. Also, related with UFO, the specialists have elaborated the conspiracy theory. It tries to explains how the evidence about the existence of life out of the earth is being delete or modify by governments; the purpose is to try to hide the “true” from all of the people around the world. In this essay, I will refute some of the arguments used by the conspiracy theory to get its purpose.

First of all, one of the most important arguments to support the conspiracy theory is related with the government of the United States of America. According to noticiario.net/teoria-conspiracion.htm, the United States has a secret base in Nevada, California, called 51, where specialists do research about aliens who had come and even died in the earth; they also say that the goverment wants to get and use the technology of the star ships to get military advantages. In my own point of view, this is a nationalist argument. Many of the most important events have been related with the United States, like if the other countries in the world do not exist. There are some others like China and Rusia, who can be interested in develop alien technologies, but of course, it happens only in “America”.

Second, according to the same website indicated, the conspiracy theory says that the UFOs visit constantly the earth but the world leaders try to hide the “truth”. Also they say that those leaders are in permanent contact and get communication with the aliens. In my point of view, that idea sounds kind of paranoic. Try to think in all the world leaders join together only to hide the existence of alien lives forms it is ridiculous. They can not even join to try to solve our own problems like global warming or the need of food in Africa; nonetheless, according to the theory, they perfectly join to discuss the Ufo theme? And the worst idea: they get an agreement about it. I can not find the sense of that idea.

Finally, the conspiracy theory according to same source, says that Neil Armstrong saw a big number of alien star ships in the hide face of the moon, but of course, it has been denied because of the population can not to know about it. I should question for the purpose of those ships there; what were they doing there? They do not attack the earth, even they did not showed themselves to the people. So, there was no reason for that, just hiding? Only Armstrong could see them? Could be a hallucination?

In conclusion, there are many arguments to support the existence of aliens forms of life, but in my criteria, the conspiracy theory is not the best way to explain the phenomenon, because the theory only says why world leaders hide the phenomenon, but does not explain with scientific evidence the real existence of star ships and aliens visiting the earth for whatever they want. In my own point of view, relate the conspiracy theory with the government of the United States or with the world leaders is just the eternal discussion about the politic power. Who is the stronger? Of course, if your country has alien technology, it must be the best fighter in case of world war, but where were those weapons and technology in Irak war? The United States army use great technology in wars, but it does not seem like alien technology. In short, nowadays we can not denied or support the existence of aliens because there are not scientific researches to support those positions, instead of explaining the phenomenon pointing out some people of hiding the “truth”, the ufologist should join the evidence to show to the world the real existence of their study object.

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