sábado, 24 de abril de 2010



By Ian Berrocal Azofeifa

Poverty is one of the most important social problems. There are many causes that explain this problematic; for instance, education, lack of employment, and global econimic crisis. In our case, the goverment of Costa Rica has developed several choices to reduce the negative effects of poverty, some of those politics are positive, but some others should be reformulated. The purpose of this essay is to explain my own perception about three of the major politics adopted by the goverment against poverty.

First, the goverment has been given schoolarships to high school students to avoid them quit their studies. The schoolarships try to keep the boys and girls inside the classrooms. According to the statistics, this policy has effectively reduce the dropout of students, but, in my opinion, it is necessary to establish more controls to guarrantee that schoolarships are used for its real purpose, because, in some cases, they has been used to cover personal or family needs.

Second, the goverment has been fighting against poverty by housing politics. The purpose of this is to give a decent house for poor families, but it is not a secret that people with enough money have been taken part of those benefits. In my opinion, the department in charged of living the benefits should make better research and incorporate more restrictive requirements. Also, there should be some department in charge to investigate the irregular cases.

Last, with the economical crisis, many enterprices and even the goverment, have been reducing the employs. In my opinion, these is not the only choice to avoid the problem; our legislation let’s the enterprices to develop emergency plans against the crisis, but I think that many of the people in charge of them do not know enough about this politics, so it is necessary to have more information.

In conclusion, there are many others politics adopted by the goverment against poverty, some of them are very useful, but some others need to be design again or improve to guarrantee their benefits. In my opinion, it is mandatory to create better life conditions and to avoid some other social problems. In short, there are still many actions to take and they must be establish as soon as possible.

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